
Datavideo dac-200 analog to digital video converter
Datavideo dac-200 analog to digital video converter

datavideo dac-200 analog to digital video converter
  1. #Datavideo dac 200 analog to digital video converter serial
  2. #Datavideo dac 200 analog to digital video converter software

The ADC contains a Sample and Hold circuit which ensures that the input voltage to the ADC is held at a constant level during conversion. The single-ended voltage inputs refer to 0V (GND). The differential input (PB3, PB4 or PB2, PB5) is equipped with a programmable gain stage, providing amplification step of 26 dB (20x) on the differential input voltage before the A/D conversion. The ADC is connected to a 4-channel Analog Multiplexer which allows one differential voltage input and four single-ended voltage inputs constructed from the pins of Port B. The ATtiny25/45/85 features a 10-bit successive approximation ADC.

  • ADC Start Conversion by Auto Triggering on Interrupt Sources.
  • Selectable 1.1V / 2.56V ADC Voltage Reference.
  • Optional Left Adjustment for ADC Result Readout.
  • Two differential input channels with selectable gain.
  • Four Multiplexed Single Ended Input Channels.
  • Analog to Digital Converter 19.1 Features
  • 22.8.9 Reading the Signature Bytes and Calibration ByteĪTtiny25/45/85 19.
  • 22.8.8 Programming and Reading the Fuse and Lock Bits.
  • 22.8.2 Considerations for Efficient Programming.
  • #Datavideo dac 200 analog to digital video converter serial

    22.6.2 Serial Programming Characteristics.21.1.5 Programming Time for Flash when Using SPM.

    #Datavideo dac 200 analog to digital video converter software

    21.1.3 Reading the Fuse and Lock Bits from Software.21.1.2 EEPROM Write Prevents Writing to SPMCSR.21.0.2 Filling the Temporary Buffer (Page Loading).20.6 debugWIRE Related Register in I/O Memory.19.7.4 Temperature Measurement (Preliminary description).

    datavideo dac-200 analog to digital video converter

    19.7.2 Unipolar Differential Conversion.19.6.2 Analog Noise Canceling Techniques.19.5 Changing Channel or Reference Selection.18.1 Analog Comparator Multiplexed Input.17.3.4 Edge Triggered External Interrupt.16.0.3 Timer/Counter1 Dead Time B - DT1B.16.0.2 Timer/Counter1 Dead Time A - DT1A.16.0.1 Timer/Counter1 Dead Time Prescaler register 1 - DTPS1.15.2.8 PLL Control and Status Register - PLLCSR.15.2.7 Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register - TIFR.15.2.6 Timer/Counter1 Interrupt Mask Register - TIMSK.15.2.5 Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register C - OCR1C.15.2.4 Timer/Counter1 Output Compare RegisterA - OCR1A.15.2.2 General Timer/Counter1 Control Register - GTCCR.15.2.1 Timer/Counter1 Control Register - TCCR1.14.1.10 Timer/Counter1 Initialization for Asynchronous Mode.14.1.9 PLL Control and Status Register - PLLCSR.14.1.8 Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register - TIFR.14.1.7 Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register - TIMSK.14.1.6 Timer/Counter1 Output Compare RegisterC - OCR1C.14.1.5 Timer/Counter1 Output Compare RegisterB - OCR1B.14.1.4 Timer/Counter1 Output Compare RegisterA - OCR1A.14.1.2 General Timer/Counter1 Control Register - GTCCR.14.1.1 Timer/Counter1 Control Register - TCCR1.12.6.2 Clear Timer on Compare Match (CTC) Mode.12.5.1 Compare Output Mode and Waveform Generation.12.4.2 Compare Match Blocking by TCNT0 Write.11.2.5 Digital Input Enable and Sleep Modes.11.2.3 Switching Between Input and Output.9.1 Interrupt Vectors in ATtiny25/45/85.8.3 Timed Sequences for Changing the Configuration of the Watchdog Timer.6.1 Clock Systems and their Distribution.

    datavideo dac-200 analog to digital video converter datavideo dac-200 analog to digital video converter

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    Datavideo dac-200 analog to digital video converter